This course has been added in response to feedback.The aim of this course is to offer a less intense day for folk who would like to conserve their energy or who have previously found ClimbOut courses too intense.
The timings would be a more leisurely start and earlier finish time. As a rough guidance this would be from 11.00-16:00 however this will be tailored to the needs of the group participants.
This course offers participants the opportunity to start learning to lead trad climbing in a less intense format to the Rock Skills Learn to Lead Trad Climbs. However as a result of the shorter timings you are likely to cover less material.
This course is ideal if you are looking to improve your confidence or refresh your personal trad leading skills with the aim of helping you to become an independent climber.
Duration: 2 days (Saturday 24th May and Sunday 25th May)
Ratio: 1:3
Minimum Age: 14
Pre-requisite experience: To register for this course you must have belayed on at least 20 occasions; and have seconded a minimum of 20 outdoor rock climbs at Very Difficult (VDiff) or above; or have led 20 climbs (indoors or outdoors).
Required equipment: Please bring your harness, helmet, rock shoes and belay plate. If you have any other climbing equipment such as slings, carabiners and quickdraws please bring them too. This will give an opportunity to discuss equipment as a group.
If you do not have this equipment, it is available to borrow from ClimbOut. Please let us know in the appropriate section in the booking form.