Rock Skills Introduction

This ClimbOut course is our most beginner-friendly climbing course and will introduce both roped climbing and bouldering. It is designed for people who have little or no experience of climbing. The aim is to teach you about appropriate equipment for bouldering and climbing, how to tie into a rope and how to belay safely.

Both days will cover fundamental movement skills and climbing technique. One day will concentrate on roped climbing and the other day will be spent bouldering. The syllabus of this course is designed by Mountain Training: Rock Skills Introduction and is provided by Pride Expeditions.

Duration: 2 days (Saturday 24th May and Sunday 25th May)

Ratio: 1:10

Minimum Age: 10

Pre-requisite experience: There is no prerequisite experience required for this course. We will start with the basics. 

Required equipment: If you have any other climbing equipment such as rock shoes, a helmet, harness and belay plate please bring them along with you.

If you do not have this equipment, it is available to borrow from ClimbOut. Please let us know in the appropriate section in the booking form.