Rock Skills Intermediate

This course offers participants the opportunity to become an independent outdoor trad second. 

This ClimbOut course is for anyone who has done a little indoor or outdoor climbing before, and wants to gain confidence and the skills to move to outside climbing. The main aims of this course are learning how to be a safe belayer, how to second routes competently and how to belay a lead climber. You will develop your climbing movement skills and you will learn how to place protection, how to remove protection and how to construct belays. The syllabus of this course is designed by Mountain Training: Rock Skills Intermediate.

Duration: 2 days (Saturday 24th May and Sunday 25th May)

Ratio: 1:4

Minimum Age: 12

Pre-requisite experience: You should have done ten climbs on an indoor climbing wall or outside prior to joining this course. You should also have belayed a fellow climber on a top rope on at least ten climbs inside or outside. You should be able to tie into a rope using a suitable knot and use a belay plate safely.

Required equipment: Please bring your harness, helmet, rock shoes and belay plate. If you have any other climbing equipment such as slings, carabiners and quickdraws please bring them too. This will give an opportunity to discuss equipment as a group. 

If you do not have this equipment, it is available to borrow from ClimbOut. Please let us know in the appropriate section in the booking form.